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Yorkshire Bank has joined forces with Virgin Money to become one bigger, better and brighter bank. Our existing products and services are getting a Virgin Money makeover and we’re working hard to get everything you need available on the Virgin Money website soon.

Using the SignVideo service

SignVideo is a video relay service that is accessed from this website to a remote sign language interpreter. The interpreter can relay your call to our telephone banking service, translating between British sign language (BSL) and English.

Calls can be made via a videophone, laptop, PC, smartphone or tablet.

By clicking on the Connect to SignVideo button you will access SignVideo’s contact centre, which is staffed by fully qualified and registered (NRCPD/SASLI [1]) BSL/English Interpreters. They are available on demand to enable access to our telephone banking service.

[1] NRCPD - National Registers of Communication Professionals with Deaf and Deafblind people.
SASLI - Scottish Association of Sign Language Interpreters.

Check your Operating system requirements

Before using SignVideo, please ensure your device meets these minimum operating system requirements:

  • iOS devices (8 or upwards), many Android devices (4.4 upwards), PC (i3 or above) or Mac with a webcam
  • IE 9 - 11 (Internet Explorer) or Firefox for Windows, Safari for Mac
  • Bandwidth of at least 256 kbp/s upload and download (384kbp/s recommended)

Please Note: If this is your first time, you will need to download a one-off Live plug-in. The Live plug-in enables good video quality and ensures that your calls are secure. Please follow the instructions once you are connected to the Web Access page.

Connect to SignVideo Connect to SignVideo (opens in a new window)

Service is free from your own home or mobile devices.

Service availability:

Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

Troubleshooting and guidance:

 0203 388 0771

How does it work?

  • Click on the ‘Connect to SignVideo’ button above to instantly engage an interpreter
  • When you are connected tell the interpreter you are calling Yorkshire Bank
  • The SignVideo Interpreter may ask you if you wish to prepare anything before starting the call. E.g. is there any person or department you wish connect to?
  • You will then be connected and start the conversation in BSL
  • A video explaining how SignVideo works in BSL accompanies this text